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Home > Technology List > Yamaichi QFP IC Sockets

Yamaichi QFP IC Sockets

Update Time: 2019-12-19 00:19:56

Yamaichi QFP IC Sockets

The Yamaichi QFP IC Sockets are available in more than 26 formats with 44 to 240 pins to fit most standard semiconductor models offered by a wide range of manufacturers. Because the space required for the Yamaichi QFP IC Sockets corresponds to that required by the semiconductor, changes to the PC-board layout after the testing stage are no longer needed. These SMT-style sockets can be easily installed by bolting the engaging top frame. Available with positioning pins to secure the socket before soldering.

Yamaichi Electronics USA, Inc. (YEU) is a wholly owned subsidiary division of Yamaichi Electronics Company, LTD. (YEC). This sub-division, referred to as “YEU”, serves as a Corporate Sales Office representing Yamaichi products in North America. Yamaichi’s parent corporation, YEC, has subsidiaries and manufacturing in over 11 different countries.

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