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Home > Technology List > World’s first ‘green-friendly’ XO operates on as little as 0.8 V

World’s first ‘green-friendly’ XO operates on as little as 0.8 V

Update Time: 2019-12-18 00:00:20

World’s first ‘green-friendly’ XO operates on as little as 0.8 V

Offered as the first environmentally friendly ultra-low-power-driven crystal clock oscillator (XO), the NZ2520SF operates on as little as 0.8 V, which is 50% lower than comparable crystal clock oscillators. During operation, the part consumes just 3.5 mA at 0.9 V and during standby 10 µA specifications claimed to deliver 70% reduction in power consumption, further extend battery life, and in the long term decrease battery size as well.

The device is available in a frequency range of 1.5 to 50 MHz with a stability of ±50 ppm. Housed in a 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.9 mm lead free package, the NZ2520SF has an operating temperature range of 40 to 85°C. ($0.98 12 weeks ARO.)

NDK has been mass producing quartz crystals of uniform high quality utilizing its own technology. On the basis of this experience NDK manufactures and supplies highly accurate, highly reliable crystal products using advanced technology and thorough quality control techniques.

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