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Wireless development board supports Freescale Freedom platform

Update Time: 2019-12-20 23:42:07

Wireless development board supports Freescale Freedom platform

Avnet Electronics Marketing Americas released an enhanced Wi-Go Module, a wireless accessory module for the Freescale Freedom development platform, the FRDM-KL25Z, along with new training support. Created by Avnet engineers, this updated wireless development board offers a number of new features including enhanced smart phone modeling and integrated cloud computing support. With an 800 mA/h battery, the Avnet Wi-Go Module can be self-powered for days while facilitating portable data acquisition for the on-board sensor system. In addition to its original feature set, the enhanced Wi-Go Module includes a SmartConfig feature for easy network configuration from a smart phone; Wi-Fi connectivity to Android ; a free Freescale Xtrinsic sensor fusion toolbox application; a fully functional tilt compensated eCompass; a free connection to Avnet’s Exosite cloud services for up to two devices; all source code has been restructured to allow development with the free version of Keil MDK; an upgraded web server; aWi-Go enabled on mbed; a free cloud-based compiler.

Avnet Electronics Marketing Americas,

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. provides original equipment manufacturers with chips to help them drive advanced cell phones, manage Internet traffic and to help make vehicles safer and more energy efficient. Freescale Semiconductor is the third largest chipmaker in the United States and the ninth largest in the world.

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