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SSC Series Ultra Low Pressure Sensors

Update Time: 2019-12-19 22:52:36

SSC Series Ultra Low Pressure Sensors

Honeywell has extended the SSC TruStability? product line by adding Ultra-Low Pressure Sensors with sensing performance of±2.5 mbar to ±40 mbar (±1 in H2O to ±30 in H2O).
View the entire SSC Pressure Sensor Series.

Honeywell′s SSC Series Pressure Sensors measure absolute, differential, and gauge pressures. The TruStability? SSC Series Pressure Sensors are comprised of piezoresistive silicon and offer ratiometric output for reading pressure over the specified full scale pressure span and temperature range and measure pressure ranges from 60 mbar to 10 bar (1 psi to 150 psi). Honeywell's standard accuracy SSC Series features analog output with ±2% total error band and SIP. The sensors are used for a wide range of medical and industrial applications and were originally intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic gases such as air and other dry gases (meet ISO 9001). Now available are the SSC Series pressure sensors with Liquid Media Option that allows one port of the sensor to be used with condensing humidity or non-corrosive liquid media, such as de-ionized water.
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