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Home > Technology List > SPDT switch-limiter touts high power handling and fast recovery time

SPDT switch-limiter touts high power handling and fast recovery time

Update Time: 2019-12-20 22:58:45

SPDT switch-limiter touts high power handling and fast recovery time

M/A-COM Technology Solutions announced a new SPDT switch-limiter that is suited for S-Band military and commercial radar systems. The MASL-011023 operates over the 2.7 GHz to 3.5 GHz bandwidth and handles 125W of CW power at 85°C while providing a fast recovery time of <100 ns. The switch is offered in a JEDEC standard footprint surface mount 7-mm x 7-mm QFN package that enables repeatable, high volume manufacturing. The MASL-011023 delivers low insertion loss, high isolation and a low flat leakage of 10 dBm in Rx mode and 7 dBm in Tx mode. This SP2T switch-limiter is designed to minimize insertion loss and handle +51 dBm CW power through the transmit path. This device also incorporates a fully integrated RF & DC bias network.

M/A-COM Technology Solutions,

M/A-COM Technology Solutions is a leading supplier of high performance analog semiconductor solutions for use in radio frequency (RF), microwave, and millimeter wave applications. Recognized for its broad portfolio of products, M/A-COM Tech serves diverse markets, including CATV, wireless infrastructure, optical communications, aerospace and defense, automotive, industrial, medical, and mobile devices. M/A-COM Tech builds on more than 60 years of experience designing and manufacturing innovative product solutions for customers worldwide. Headquartered in Lowell, Massachusetts, M/A-COM Tech is certified to the ISO9001 international quality standard and ISO14001 environmental management standard.

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