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Home > Technology List > Siemens offers concrete solution portfolio for Industrie 4.0 with Digi

Siemens offers concrete solution portfolio for Industrie 4.0 with Digital Enterprise

Update Time: 2019-12-20 13:50:20

Siemens offers concrete solution portfolio for Industrie 4.0 with Digital Enterprise

In Hall 11, Siemens will be exhibiting its integrated portfolio of hardware, software and services for the electrification, automation and digitalization of industrial processes. The presentation will focus primarily on the company's portfolio aimed at building the Digital Enterprise, in which all value adding processes are digitally supported – across the entire product and plant life cycle. Siemens has developed a portfolio which will enable its customers from the manufacturing industry to make the transition to the Digital Enterprise – whether large-scale corporations or SMEs. "We realized the growth potential offered by digitalization in the discrete production and process industries at a very early stage, and with the Digital Enterprise portfolio have consistently aligned our product offering towards this objective. With a range of concrete products and solutions, this year we will be demonstrating how our customers can already begin the step-by-step transition towards Industrie 4.0 today" said Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG, speaking at the SPS IPC Drives 2015.

The company's focus on the challenges of digitalization is also reflected in the slogan chosen for the Siemens trade fair booth "On the way to Industrie 4.0 – Driving the Digital Enterprise". "We are supporting our customers in their bid to become more competitive – by reducing the time-to-market and helping them achieve faster, more flexible and more efficient production", continued Helmrich. "The processes implemented by the discrete and process industries vary considerably – and therefore require different solutions", said Helmrich. "Our Digital Enterprise portfolio addresses all of these different needs cohesively along the entire length of the value chain, and that goes for all sizes of company." At the same time, all the steps within the Digital Enterprise are seamlessly linked, from the virtual through to the real production world – with a continuous flow of data from the product design through to servicing and back. In this way Siemens is helping its customers to bring about a significant improvement to the flexibility of their production processes as product design becomes ever more individualized, and to shorten their time-to-market.

"Our customers benefit from our leading automation and extensive software portfolio, which is becoming ever more closely integrated with digitalization and which we are expanding all the time. At this year's SPS IPC Drives, we'll be showcasing an array of product innovations across the whole bandwidth of our portfolio", said Helmrich. Of these, 25 landmark innovations for the discrete and process industries will be prominently featured as highlights at the booth. In terms of software, these include new releases such as PLM Software Teamcenter Version 11 and also Version 9.0 of the Simatic Process Device Manager. As part of its Industrial Communication portfolio, Siemens will be presenting new telecontrol systems. New Scalance products have now been added to the Industrial Security Defense-in-Depth concept, and for MindSphere – Siemens Cloud for Industry, a new connector box will be featured for the secure capture and transmission of machine and plant data to the cloud.

As the central exhibition highlight at its booth, Siemens will be showcasing not only its extensive automation portfolio, but based on this also the Digital Enterprise and the four pillars needed for the digital transformation of industrial processes: Software, communication solutions, security concepts and solutions as well as data-based services. Next to the Digital Enterprise presentation in the center of the booth, two exhibition highlights will be illustrating practically-based solutions for the electrification, automation and digitalization of industrial processes.

The first of these is a multi-carrier system for packaging and filling machines developed in association with Festo. Simulation and downstream engineering using the TIA Portal (Totally Integrated Automation) permits the highly flexible transport of goods, enabling maximum individualization right down to batch size one. By linking to the public Siemens Cloud for Industry, all the production data generated by this machine can be seamlessly tracked and evaluated live while in operation. With this capability, this exhibit is a representative example of digitalization in machine building from the engineering stage through to operation. The benefits include greater process quality as a result of simulation, improved flexibility due to fast, simple adaptation to new packaging formats and a shorter time-to-market through modularization and simulation.

The second exhibition highlight illustrates how electrical power distribution is integrated into digital industrial processes in practical operation today. Using the model of a Sivacon sicube 8MF1 series control cabinet, visitors experience how a "digital twin" unites virtual control cabinet engineering with real production automation. The integration of electrical power distribution into digital environments takes place here on three levels: into automated engineering processes with an extensive spectrum of software and data, into industrial automation through devices and open interfaces with communication capability, and finally into integral energy efficiency concepts using systems, components and software for energy data measurement. The result: improved availability of components and plants.

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