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Rugged connectors meet Atex standards

Update Time: 2019-12-18 00:00:34

Rugged connectors meet Atex standards

The rugged EXPlora series connectors are compliant to Atex standards for use in Zone 2 and Zone 22 environments, and are environmentally sealed to IP68 when locking ring is tightened. Constructed from a UL94V-0 rated polycarbonate material, the connectors are available in 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 7-, and 10-pole variants in four body styles — cable, in-line cable, panel, and flange fixing.

The connnectors are rated to 18 A, 600 Vac/dc for 2, 3, 4 and 5 poles, 16 A, 430 Vac/dc for 7 poles, and 10 A, 250 Vac/dc for 10 poles, withstand temperatures from –20° to 55°C, and can accommodate conductors up to 4 mm2, with no special tooling. (Contact company for pricing and availability.)

Bulgin′s product line includes battery holders, switches, plugs, sockets, and several types of connectors.

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