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Home > Other > Reflective PIN Diode SP2T Switch handles up to 100 W

Reflective PIN Diode SP2T Switch handles up to 100 W

Update Time: 2020-01-04 14:26:18

Reflective PIN Diode SP2T Switch handles up to 100 W

High Power PIN Diode is Ideal for Mobile Radio and Military Communication Applications

Lowell, Mass — M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (“MACOM”), a leading supplier of high-performance analog RF, microwave, millimeterwave and photonic semiconductor products, today introduced the MASW-011055, a high power PIN diode SP2T switch with industry leading linearity in common anode configuration, operating over the 0.03 to 3 GHz frequency range.

This switch is ideally suited for high power military and civilian radio applications requiring higher CW and pulsed power operation for land mobile radio applications.

MACOM enables the connections that ensure high data-density network performance form L-Band to Ka-Band. Our analog RF, microwave and millimeter wave innovations optimize wireless bandwidth for clear, uninterrupted signals across even remote locations. The MASW-011055 is capable of handling 100 watts CW incident power at a base plate temperature of 85°C. Covering 30 MHz to 3 GHz, the device delivers 51 dB isolation at 2 GHz with insertion loss of 0.35 dB at 2 GHz, providing an ideal high-performing solution for high-performance applications.

The MASW-011055 is manufactured using MACOM’s hybrid manufacturing process, featuring high voltage PIN diodes and passive devices integrated in a 5mm HQF 12-lead package. It is RoHS Compliant and 260°C reflow compatible.

“The MASW-011055 is the optimal solution for customers in need of switches with high linearity, strong broadband performance and low loss,” said Paul Wade, Product Manager. “These switch devices incorporate high levels of integration in a small 5x5mm HQFN plastic package, which provides real estate constrained users over 80% of space savings and significant reduction in BOM content.”

The table below outlines typical performance for the MASW-011055:

Parameter Units MASW-011055
RF Frequency GHz .03-3
Power Handling W 100
Insertion Loss dB @ GHz .35
Isolation dB @ GHz 51

M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc  is a leading supplier of high-performance analog RF, microwave, millimeterwave and photonic semiconductor products that enable next-generation internet and modern battlefield applications. Recognized for its broad catalog portfolio of technologies and products, MACOM serves diverse markets, including high speed optical, satellite, radar, wired & wireless networks, automotive, industrial, medical and mobile devices.  A pillar of the semiconductor industry, we thrive on more than 60 years of solving our customers' most complex problems, serving as a true partner for applications ranging from RF to Light.

Headquartered in Lowell, Massachusetts, MACOM is certified to the ISO9001 international quality standard and ISO14001 environmental management standard. MACOM has design centers and sales offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

MACOM, M/A-COM, M/A-COM Technology Solutions, M/A-COM Tech, Partners in RF & Microwave, Partners from RF to Light, The First Name in Microwave and related logos are trademarks of MACOM. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Any express or implied statements in MACOM product announcements are not meant as warranties or warrantable specifications of any kind.  The only warranty MACOM may offer with respect to any product sale is one contained in a written purchase agreement between MACOM and the purchaser concerning such sale and signed by a duly authorized MACOM employee.

Tag: Diode

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