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Phoenix Contact Quint UPS

Update Time: 2019-12-19 23:50:51

Phoenix Contact Quint UPS

Phoenix Contact Quint UPS-IQ offers an intelligent solution for ensuring maximum system availability. During power failures, Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) continue to supply loads with power by switching to battery operation without interruption. The Phoenix Contact UPS-IQ features IQ technology for superior system availability. IQ technology provides intelligent battery management that keeps you informed of remaining runtime, current state of charge, service life, and performance of the power storage device. Intelligent charging adapts the charging current to provide the fastest possible battery charging. POWER BOOST provides static power reserve, while dynamic power reserve is supplied with Selective Fuse Breaking (SFB) technology. Other features of the Phoenix Contact Quint UPS-IQ include optimum use of buffer time, preventive battery monitoring, and advanced signaling and configuration.

Phoenix Contact is a global leader in electrical connectivity, electronic interfaces and industrial automation technology. Phoenix Contact offers more than 25,000 industrial products and dozens of innovative products every year. The diverse product range includes terminal blocks, power supplies, signal conditioners and data converters, industrial connectors, transient voltage and surge protection, wireless signals and data transmitters. In addition, Phoenix Contact offers comprehensive automation solutions such as industrial PCs, I/O, HMI, software and Industrial Ethernet.

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