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Home > Technology List > NOVACAP Y2 Certified Safety MLC Chip Capacitors

NOVACAP Y2 Certified Safety MLC Chip Capacitors

Update Time: 2019-12-19 23:37:26

NOVACAP Y2 Certified Safety MLC Chip Capacitors

The NOVACAP Y2 Certified Safety MLC Chip Capacitors is a line of Safety Certified capacitors, sizes ES 2211, ES 2215 and ES2225, Y2 Class Compliant, that are specifically designed for use in modem, facsimile, telephone and other electronic equipment where lightning or over voltage surges can occur. The NOVACAP Y2 Certified Safety MLC Chip Capacitors are rated at 5000 Vdc and 250 Vac safety approved and certified to IEC60384-14, Second Edition: 1993/A1:1995, as well as compliant to Standards EN 132400: 1994/A2:1998 and meet the requirements of EN61000-4-5, IEC1000-4-5, and IEC801-4-5.

NOVACAP, a Dover Company, is a leading supplier of application-specific multilayer ceramic capacitors and capacitor assemblies. NOVACAP’s SMT and radial leaded capacitors are used in a variety of markets including aerospace, military, medical, telecommunications, computer, and oil exploration.

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