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Lower-cost thermal imagers simplify temp measurement

Update Time: 2019-12-19 00:00:24

Lower-cost thermal imagers simplify temp measurement

With the introduction of five thermal image recorders — the Ti100, Ti110, TiR110, Ti125, and TiR125 — the ability of users to rapidly take and interpret complex thermal measurements has changed significantly. The imagers are not only easy to use with one hand thanks to their ergonomic design, but are extremely rugged, passing 2-m drop tests and having IP 54 ratings. And with prices starting under $2,500, they make such measurements much more widely affordable.

All the models in this series use an uncooled, 160 x 120 focal-plane-array microbolometer that covers the 7.5 to 14-μm IR band, providing a 22.5° horizontal by 31° vertical field of view with a spacial resolution (IFOV) of 3.39 mRad. Use of this array array results in a thermal measurement accuracy of 2°C or 2% (whichever is greater) at 25°C nominal, Measurements are displayed on a 3.5-in. portrait-format LCD, and stored on a 2-Gbyte SD memory card from which they can be rapidly reviewed in thumbnail format. Measurement level and span can be controlled manually or automatically, and measurements can be downloaded through a mini USB port. A built-in laser pointer permits accurate sighting.

The Ti100 is a general-purpose, entry-level instrument that offers a lot of capability at a low price. It has a measurement range of −20°C to 250°C, with thermal sensitivity of ≤0.10°C (100 mK) at 30 °C target temp, and can take measurement with a 9 Hz refresh rate from as close as 6.5 ft.

The other four instruments in the series are divided into two groups. The Ti110 and Ti125 are targeted at industrial / commercial users while the TiR110 and TiR125 are intended for making thermal diagnostics of buildings. The main differences is that the former have a wide, −20°C to 350°C range with thermal sensitivity like that of the Ti100, while the latter have a tighter range of −20°C to 150°C, but with the better thermal sensitivity: ≤0.08°C (80 mK) at 30°C target temp. Also, the commercial units have a higher refresh rate, 30 Hz, to capture rapid thermal changes.

These four units also allow users to get as close as 6 in. to make a measurement, and to voice annotate the images in the field for better documentation. They provide a built-in compass for noting the direction of the reading and a built-in flashlight/torch for checking into dark areas. And they have the ability to take digital images/video of the object being measured, that are displayed either individually or with thermal images picture-in-picture style like on a TV.

The 125 models have the added ability to blend the IR and digital images in a way that can help envision and analyze the measurement more thoroughly. The 125 models also have a number of particularly useful features, such as hot/cold markers, multimode (radiometric .is3 format) video recording and output, and dual rechargeable batteries. (Ti100, $2,495; Ti110 and TiR110, $4,495; Ti125 and TiR125, $5,495 — available now.)

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