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Linx Technologies OEM Transmitter

Update Time: 2019-12-19 23:02:28

Linx Technologies OEM Transmitter

The Linx Technologies OEM transmitter product line offers designers great options for quickly adding remote control features to a product. Available in 315, 418, or 433.92 MHz frequencies, Linx Technologies OEM transmitters are pre-certified by the FCC, Industry Canada, and the European Union, which eliminates the cost and time of testing and approval. The OEM transmitter′s keypad, labeling, and case color can be rapidly modified to meet customer-specific requirements. When combined with a Linx receiver module or OEM function module, a reliable wireless command or control link is easily formed.

Linx Technologies strives to make every engineer a hero in record time? by minimizing the risk, delays, and technical challenges for design engineers to make their products wireless and connect to the Internet of Things (IoT).

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