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Home > Technology List > Linx Technologies 4xxMHz WRT Series Antennas - Expansion

Linx Technologies 4xxMHz WRT Series Antennas - Expansion

Update Time: 2019-12-19 23:02:33

Linx Technologies 4xxMHz WRT Series Antennas - Expansion

The Linx Technologies WRT Series has been expanded to include antennas with a taller 27mm high radome, with center frequencies of 418MHz and 433MHz.

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The Linx Technologies WRT Series antenna is ideally suited for applications such as wireless vending, security, traffic, or power equipment that require an unobtrusive, tamper-resistant antenna solution. The Linx Technologies WRT Series features a tiny 19x11 mm radome that installs through a small hole on the product and is anchored by a threaded base. An adhesive foam compression ring is used to resist the elements. This Linx Technologies antenna also features an integral counterpoise that eliminates the need for a proximity ground plane. WRT Series antennas are available in center frequencies of 868 MHz, 916 MHz, and 2.45 GHz. The antenna's coax feed is available with SMA, RP-SMA, or custom terminations.

Linx Technologies strives to make every engineer a hero in record time? by minimizing the risk, delays, and technical challenges for design engineers to make their products wireless and connect to the Internet of Things (IoT).

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