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Laser-measurement sensor provides accurate measurements from 100 to 1000 mm

Update Time: 2019-12-20 00:38:38

Laser-measurement sensor provides accurate measurements from 100 to 1000 mm

A new laser measurement sensor featuring an intuitive two-line user interface display has been introduced by Banner Engineering (Minneapolis, MN). The LE550 sensor offers a combination of range, repeatability, accuracy, and ease of use not previously available at this price point. Features include:

? Accurate measurements from 100 to 1000 mm on a wide range of challenging targets from black rubber to shiny metal.
? Applications which include roll diameter, loop control, object measurement and position.
? Die-cast housing which is rated IP67, NEMA 6 for use in harsh conditions.

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Banner offers a complete and integrated line of sensing and machine safety products. Whatever Across a variety of industries and product applications, Banner has the right sensors to automate plant operations and to improve overall efficiency, quality and safety.

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