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Home > Other > HEMT Power Transistor suits L-Band pulsed radar applications.

HEMT Power Transistor suits L-Band pulsed radar applications.

Update Time: 2020-01-07 15:27:35

HEMT Power Transistor suits L-Band pulsed radar applications.

650 W Peak Power GaN on SiC Transistor Provides High Gain, Efficiency & Ruggedness over 1.2-1.4 GHz

Lowell, MA,  – M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (M/A-COM), a leading supplier of high performance analog semiconductor solutions, introduced today a new GaN on SiC HEMT Power Transistor for L-Band pulsed radar applications.

The MAGX-001214-650L00 is a gold-metalized pre-matched GaN on Silicon Carbide transistor that offers the highest peak power in the industry for a single-ended power transistor optimized for pulsed L-Band radar applications. The MAGX-001214-650L00 guarantees 650 W of peak power with a typical 19.5 dB of gain and 60% efficiency. The device also boasts very high breakdown voltages which allow customers reliable and stable operation at 50 V under more extreme load mismatch conditions. The device is assembled in a high performance ceramic flange package and has undergone MACOM’s rigorous qualification and reliability testing, which offers customers state of the art power with rugged performance that is ideally suited to today’s demanding radar applications.

“The MAGX-001214-650L00 is a clear leader in high pulsed power GaN technology with guaranteed 650 W of peak output power combined with excellent gain, efficiency and reliable performance,” said Paul Beasly, Product Manager. “The device is an ideal candidate for customers looking to combine two power transistors and realize over 1,000 W of peak power in a single pallet for next generation L-Band radar systems that require increased performance in smaller footprints.”

Operating between the 1200 MHz – 1400 MHz Frequency range, the MAGX-001214-650L00 is a highly robust transistor, boasting a mean time to failure (MTTF) of 5.3*106 hours.

The table below outlines typical performance:

Parameter Units MAGX-001214-650L00
Frequency MHz 1200-1400
Pout (min) W 650
Gain dB 19.5
Efficiency % 60
Pulse µs 300
Duty % 10
Pulse Droop dB 0.3

Recognized for its broad catalog portfolio of technologies and products, MACOM serves diverse markets, including high speed optical, satellite, radar, wired & wireless networks, CATV, automotive, industrial, medical, and mobile devices. A pillar of the semiconductor industry, we thrive on more than 60 years of solving our customers' most complex problems, serving as a true partner for applications ranging from RF to Light.

Headquartered in Lowell, Massachusetts, M/A-COM Tech is certified to the ISO9001 international quality standard and ISO14001 environmental management standard. M/A-COM Tech has design centers and sales offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

MACOM, M/A-COM, M/A-COM Technology Solutions, M/A-COM Tech, Partners in RF & Microwave, The First Name in Microwave and related logos are trademarks of MACOM. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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