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Home > Technology List > Green Laser Module targets medical and surgical applications.

Green Laser Module targets medical and surgical applications.

Update Time: 2019-12-19 12:16:32

LITTLE ROCK, AR, - Power Technology, Inc., a leader in the Photonics Industry for over 40 years, announced today that it is introducing a new green wavelength version of the successful PM series laser module. The Green emitting PM module is specifically designed for medical and surgical applications. It excels over red lasers in applications on dark colored or pigmented skin and on red tissue. These applications include patient alignment and alignment for surgical procedures. In addition, green wavelength lasers are much easier to identify under the extremely bright light conditions of the operating room environment. The Green PM laser is available at a truly economic price.

The PM Visible Laser Diode Module is designed for OEM medical and surgical manufacturers for easy integration into existing and prototype low power lasers. The module incorporates a single mode laser, single-element glass collimating optics or line generating optics, and the power supply into a single unit. Extremely rugged, the module has a diameter of 12.6mm and a length of 50.93mm and is available with input voltages ranging from 6 - 8VDC. Optical output power and fine focus are adjustable. Optical Output Power Digital Control is also available.

Walter Burgess, VP of Sales and Engineering. "We are excited about our new Green PM Series which can deliver an output power of 20mW with a wavelength of 515nm. This new offering further increases the available choices of green wavelength lasers designed for medical and surgical applications."

For additional information on the PM Series Green laser diode modules, contact our professional Sales Engineers today at or via phone at (501) 407-0712.

Power Technology, Inc., established in 1969, designs, manufactures, and distributes laser diode products for Fortune 500 and other companies which include OEM analytical, biomedical, industrial, semiconductor inspection, defense & security and machine vision applications. Products include laser diode modules with wavelengths from 263nm to 13,900nm that span the UV, Blue, Green, Red and Infrared range, temperature stabilized modules, lasers with beam circularization, and CW, pulsed, and modulated lasers. PTI also represents Sanyo and Opnext (formerly Hitachi) laser diodes as a factory authorized distributor.

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