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Home > Technology List > Freescale Semiconductor Kinetis Cortex?-M4 Microcontrollers

Freescale Semiconductor Kinetis Cortex?-M4 Microcontrollers

Update Time: 2019-12-19 11:26:28

Freescale Semiconductor Kinetis Cortex?-M4 Microcontrollers

Freescale Semiconductor 32-bit Kinetis microcontrollers represent the most scalable portfolio of ARM? Cortex?-M4 MCUs in the industry. The first phase of the Kinetis portfolio consists of five MCU families with more than 200 pin-, peripheral-, and software-compatible devices with outstanding performance and feature scalability. Freescale Kinetis MCUs are enabled by innovative 90nm Thin Film Storage (TFS) flash technology with unique FlexMemory (configurable embedded EEPROM). Kinetis Cortex-M4 MCUs feature the latest low-power innovations and high performance, high precision mixed-signal capability.

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. provides original equipment manufacturers with chips to help them drive advanced cell phones, manage Internet traffic and to help make vehicles safer and more energy efficient. Freescale Semiconductor is the third largest chipmaker in the United States and the ninth largest in the world.

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