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Home > Technology List > Freescale MC13224V ZigBee Platform-in-Package

Freescale MC13224V ZigBee Platform-in-Package

Update Time: 2019-12-19 11:26:04

Freescale MC13224V ZigBee Platform-in-Package

The Freescale MC13224V advanced ZigBee? compliant Platform-in-Package for the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 standard incorporates a complete, low power 2.4 GHz radio frequency (RF) transceiver, 32-bit ARM7? core based MCU, hardware acceleration for both the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and AES security, and a full set of MCU peripherals. The 99-pin Freescale third-generation ZigBee platform lowers power consumption up to 50% from previous generations and can be used for wireless applications ranging from simple point-to-point connectivity to complete ZigBee mesh networking. The Freescale MC13224V Platform-in-Package includes a 128 KB Flash memory mirrored into a 96 KB RAM for upper stack and applications software.

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. provides original equipment manufacturers with chips to help them drive advanced cell phones, manage Internet traffic and to help make vehicles safer and more energy efficient. Freescale Semiconductor is the third largest chipmaker in the United States and the ninth largest in the world.

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