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Home > Technology List > FP7 Economy PLC, ideal for "stand-alone" systems

FP7 Economy PLC, ideal for "stand-alone" systems

Update Time: 2019-12-20 14:27:27

FP7 Economy PLC, ideal for "stand-alone" systems

Increasing performance in a smaller size, wide-ranging communication capabilities, and the integration of motion control - which makes the economy PLC to "jack of all trades".
The compact design allows easily use in mechanical engineering, eg in pick & place applications, where space-saving needs to be planned. The SPS requires only 14ns per program step. The modular CPU can be supplemented by up to 16 expansion modules. Thus, the FP7-family is very flexible. Moreover, extensive function and communication tapes from the FP7-product family are available. This expansion cassettes for additional functionality to be plugged directly into the CPU, without widening the module. Maintenance Management or an hour meter is realized by means of the integrated clock / calendar function.


Klein, kompakt. aber höchste Flexibilität. Ein weiteres Highlight ist die Speicherverwaltung. Programm- und Datenspeicher können gemeinsam genutzt werden, diese können je nach Bedarf erweitert werden


  • 64k Schritte Programmkapazität
  • hohe Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit (14ns/Schritt)
  • reichlich Datenspeicherkapazität
  • sehr attraktives Preis-Leistungsverhältnis
  • Funktionskassetten (Analogeingang, Analogausgang, Thermoelementeingang)
  • Kommunikationskassetten (Ethernet, RS232C, RS422 oder RS485)

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