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Capacitive humidity sensor delivers digital output and has the world’s smallest mounting area

Update Time: 2019-12-20 01:55:48

Capacitive humidity sensor delivers digital output and has the world’s smallest mounting area

Alps Electric (Tokyo) hasdeveloped the HSHCAL Series capacitive digital humidity sensor, which delivers digital output and has the world’s smallest mounting area. Features include:

? World’s smallest mounting area of 2.0mm × 2.0mm.
? Proprietary sensing film for the sensor part.
? Broad relative humidity range of 0 to 100%.
? Capacitive sensing, enabling measurement in 0 to 100% RH.
? Built-in temperature output function, enabling temperature compensation within the sensor device.

For more information on the HSHCAL Series capacitive digital humidity sensor, visit


ALPS Electric, Inc. is the worldwide manufacturer of tactile switches and PC card connectors, a leader in the manufacture of potentiometers and encoders, and they hold 35% of the global market share with other small type switches.

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