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Home > Technology List > BIVAR FLPC2 2MM Light Pipe System

BIVAR FLPC2 2MM Light Pipe System

Update Time: 2019-12-19 22:00:36

BIVAR FLPC2 2MM Light Pipe System

The BIVAR FLPC2 Series 2MM Flexible Light Pipe System is an ideal indication upgrade solution for applications requiring greater brightness, light transfer capacity, and design flexibility. The sturdy design and flexibility of the plastic optical fiber light pipe makes it a perfect solution for source LEDs that are located far from the viewing surface or obstructed by other components.The BIVAR FLPC2 Light Pipe System is a complete solution that comes with LED adapters and lens caps. These BIVAR devices are ideal for medical devices, outdoor instrumentation, heavy equipment, transportation, and more. These BIVAR light pipes are ideal for use with BIVAR ORCA Super FLUX LEDs.

Bivar is a leading professional manufacturer of accessory hardware, leadership directives, LED lighting products and solutions that enhance the value of high technology. Bivar's products show practicality and are designed to meet the growing demand for new technologies in an increasing number of applications.

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