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Home > Technology List > Amps and mixers suit backhaul radios to 46.5 GHz

Amps and mixers suit backhaul radios to 46.5 GHz

Update Time: 2019-12-19 00:00:01

Amps and mixers suit backhaul radios to 46.5 GHz

The following two amplifiers and three mixers are ideal for microwave & mmwave radios, military sensors, test & measurement equipment and SatCom applications from 24 to 46.5 GHz. The HMC1040LP3CE is a self-biased GaAs MMIC LNA which operates between 24 and 43.5 GHz and delivers 23-dB gain, 2.2-dB noise figure, and output IP3 up to +22 dBm. This part also consumes only 70 mA from a 2.5-V supply and has an output P1-dB rating of 12 dBm.

The HMC1016 is a four stage GaAs PHEMT MMIC medium power amplifier die which operates between 34 and 46.5 GHz and provides 22 dB of gain, 26 dBm of saturated output power, and 17% PAE from a 6 V supply. The HMC1041LC4 and HMC1042LC4 are compact I/Q MMIC mixers which cover RF frequencies from 17 to 27 GHz and from 15 to 33.5 GHz respectively.

The HMC1043LC3 is a special purpose triple balanced mixer which accepts 16 to 22 GHz at the IF port and 26 to 32 GHz at the RF port.(Contact company for pricing and availability)

Christina Nickolas

Hittite Microwave (HITT) designs and develops high performance integrated circuits, modules and subsystems for demanding RF (RF) microwave and millimeter wave applications. These applications include cellular, fiber and satellite communications, as well as medical and scientific imaging, industrial instrumentation, aerospace and defense electronics. With nearly 30 years of experience and innovative practices, Hittite has a strong presence in analog, digital and mixed-signal semiconductor technologies, ranging from device-level to complete subsystem design and assembly. Hittite Microwave was acquired and merged in 2014 by Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI).

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