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Home > Technology List > Amphenol TCS InfinX High Speed Mezzanine Connectors

Amphenol TCS InfinX High Speed Mezzanine Connectors

Update Time: 2019-12-19 13:54:34

Amphenol TCS InfinX High Speed Mezzanine Connectors

Amphenol TCS InfinX? High-Speed Mezzanine Connectors are parallel board-to-board connectors capable of supporting data rates up to 25+ Gbps. Optimized for differential signaling, the InfinX High-Speed Mezzanine Connectors feature rugged wafer construction with non-stubbing mating interface and Amphenol's patented "resonance dampening" technology. Developed to meet the demand for increasing bandwidth in mezzanine applications, these connectors are scalable from 10mm to 40mm stack height, and can be selectively loaded with wafers optimized for high-speed differential, single-ended and power.

Amphenol Corporation specializes in the design, manufacture and sale of electrical, electronic and fiber optic connectors, interconnect systems and coaxial flat ribbon cables. Amphenol Corporation has developed a range of connectors and interconnects for information technology and communications equipment applications, including the converged voice, video and data communications markets. The main end markets for Amphenol products are the communications and information processing markets, including cellular telephones and data communications and information processing systems, civil aviation, aerospace and military electronics, and automotive, rail and other transportation and industrial applications.

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