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Home > Technology List > Amphenol RF HD-BNC Connectors & Adapters

Amphenol RF HD-BNC Connectors & Adapters

Update Time: 2019-12-20 13:53:51

Amphenol RF HD-BNC Connectors & Adapters

  HD-BNC Connectors designed to enhance mechanical and electrical performance,meanwhile we can use it to provide tactile feedback and a positive lock for quick and guaranteed know we make adopting HD-BNC seamless by using the same cable prep and termination specifications of legacy broadcast connectors.

  Connectors applies to every aspect of our lives,such as: Mobile Broadcast,it can be used to reduce the weight of the equipment and become Robust and reliable interface.Studio Integration,Digital A/V cards or Routing Systems ,military ,instrumentation ,Digital A/V cards or Routing Systems and the last is Broadcast Cameras.

  The product embrace many features and uses.first ,it can trusted bayonet style positive lock.Second ,assured mating with visual indicator.Third,complete product portfolio including Calibration kit, Terminations and Precision adapters etc.

  last but not least,let's have a look at the product description.Let's focus on that HD-BNC 75 OHM SPECIFICATIONS,Please see the table below.


  Mating:Bayonet positive locking, visual indicator

  Cable :Affixment (Braid/Jacket)       Hex crimp

  Cable Affixment (Center Conductor) : Solder/ crimp

  Tool :Conventional crimp/ die sets

  Contact Captivation :All types as noted

  Connector Durability :500 mating cycles min


  Impedance :75 Ohms

  Center Contact :5 m ohm

  Outer Contact  :2.5 m ohm

  Dielectric Withstanding Voltage  :500 VRMS

  Voltage Rating : 170 V

  Insulation Resistance : 10000 MΩ min

  Data Rate  :3 Gbps

  Return Loss :  30 dB min @ 3 GHz

  12G Products: DC-6 GHz  -20 dB max.

  12G Products: 6-12 GHz  -15dB max.

  Attention please:these characteristics are typical and may not apply to all connectors.

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